Lauren F. Bruner's Dream Gift To America
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Please use the Give Now button below to send your gift, which will allow me to honor my crew of USS Arizona by having each crew member's portrait drawn in a detailed biography of each man. This gift will ensure that all future generations will not only be able to read each crew member's name on the Shrine Wall at the USS Arizona Memorial, but will actually be able to meet my fellow crew members who gave their lives in defending freedom for our country. This may be the single most important gift to America that you or your family will ever make. Thank you for considering to help make my gift yours.

All gifts will be securely delivered via PayPal (credit and debit cards accepted).

Please Note: In the PayPal form, there is a field that will allow you to list the names of all those who represent your gift (including yourself or your family). By making your gift, each family member's name that you include will be forever linked to the crew of USS Arizona and the Pearl Harbor Memorial through my website. What this will mean is that your children's grandchildren, whenever they visit Pearl Harbor and choose to meet the Men of the Arizona will be able to search in alphabetical order your name as one of my personal friends who helped give America this great gift of its history.

To ensure each name becomes a part of this special gift, please be sure to:
Enter your first and last names, with each name separated by a comma and a space
(for example, "John C. Doe, Jane Doe, Robert G. Doe")

Although any gift is appreciated, those who contribute $50 or more will have their names inscribed in silver.  
Those contributing $100 or more will have their names inscribed in gold.
And no matter what your gift, please consider yourself a personal friend of Lauren, with his thanks.

Should you feel more comfortable in making your gift by check either personally or through your family business or corporation, please send it to my attention at the following address:

Lauren F. Bruner
Dream Gift to America

350 Ward Street, Suite 106
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814


AS A SPECIAL NOTE: Through my foundation, should any family member of any USS Arizona Crew Member write to me and explain your relationship to one of my fellow crew, I will personally send you as my gift, a framable portrait of your family's USS Arizona Hero along with his biography that we are creating. It will make no difference to me as to how many members in your family, as I would welcome sending each this gift and consider it my honor to do so. 

I can be reached at

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